Dev Blog #17

Welcome back, everyone! In this month's dev blog, we have a few cool additions to cover and a large announcement regarding the Android version of Cytopia.

New Changes/Fixes:
A few changes and bug fixes have been made and will appear in public versions of the game soon. Two of these fixes include making water flora tiles overplacable and preventing the player from placing water under buildings. The third change adds the ability to modify the transparency of zones in the settings.

Android Version Goes Public!:
Recently, the Android version of Cytopia was released to the public. It can be found on our page! Just download the APK file and install it to experience Cytopia on your Android devices! However, please keep in mind that this is a veeeerrrry early version of the Android port. It still lacks optimization and proper controls, so please keep that in mind.

New Trees:
Two new tree types have been made for Cytopia: the stone pine and the cypress! Both of these trees come from the Mediterranian and they each have unique shapes. They'll be added to the game in the future and will likely be used in world generation at some point, so keep an eye out for them!

A Beautiful Castle:
Thanks to RockFort, Cytopia is now the home of a luxurious castle imported straight from France! This 7x7 behemoth is one of Cytopia's largest buildings and will go along well with some of our other medieval-inspired architecture.


Android Devel 56 MB
Version 0.2-CIBuild-3865.4 Nov 02, 2020
Linux Devel 59 MB
Version 0.2-CIBuild-3767.2 Jul 29, 2020
Android Devel 56 MB
Version 0.2-CIBuild-3767.4 Jul 29, 2020
MacOS Devel 59 MB
Version 0.2-CIBuild-3767.3 Jul 29, 2020
Windows Devel 57 MB
Version 0.2-CIBuild-1044 Jul 29, 2020

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